‘Montreal’s Secret Gardens’ – Year of the Garden 2022

‘Montreal’s Secret Gardens’ – Year of the Garden 2022

The unprecedented return to nature, with the ‘Garden City Movement’ and ‘City Beautiful Movement’  has evolved in municipal planning, whereby a keen interest in municipal gardens and connectivity of green spaces is considered.  This, encourages Civic engagement as citizens visit local parks in their community.

The ‘ notion of environment ‘ have changed and citizens now more than before, protest the concrete environment of the modern age.

Horticultural Societies have sprung up offering Garden Conferences and Garden tours throughout the year and Citizen Ecological Groups are more active than ever.

The ‘Urban Forest’ at the McCord Museum here in Montreal, explores this ‘query’ of the disappearing trees in the City, by symbolically creating annually a ‘Metaphor Garden’ of trees with varied coloured ribbons.  The trees explore symbolically the loss of the historic homes that were once in the area.

Every year, during the summer months ‘exploratory trees’, grace the side entrance to the museum. Picnic tables, allow local workers and museum visitors to eat their lunch outdoors.  A program of continued activities is available to the public ‘free of charge’, during the summer months.


This reflective journey has led to the creation of other groups.

The ‘Quiet Garden Movement’,  a non-profit organisation which encourages the creation of quiet, reflective spaces within the context of the modern environment.  It encourages the provision of gardens whereby people can set aside time for contemplation, prayer and renewal.  Quiet spaces of reflextion have recently sprung up in mysterious places in the City.

The opening of the Quiet Garden is controlled by the respective owners.  The idea has grown to encompass quiet spaces in churches, schools, hospitals and prisons. The gardens are open to people of all faiths.

• The Quiet Garden Movement


The ‘Year of the Garden 2022’ gives tribute to those who garden and those involved in planning issues.

A special thanks to those that consider the Native species, the Conifer Tree, the Spruce Tree and the Blue Colorado Pine in their environment as well as the numerous species of Maple Trees that change colours in the fall, and the Prairie Grasses.

A special thanks to all Municipal Counsellors who every year put thought into the Municipal Garden planning.

We give homage to the Year of the Garden 2022, in hopes that we will find a balance between Past, Present and Development to bring us through ‘The Garden’,  back to Nature.

In hope, that flowers grow within your heart & soul, forever !


#YearoftheGarden2022 #StepIntoHistory

#Parks #GreenSpaces #GreenCorridor #GreenBelt

#MunicipalPlanning #LivingFutureInstitute




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#livethegardenlife   #yearofthegarden2022

#canada #canadagardens #gardenroutecanada

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Montréal, Québec to Montréal, Québec

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