The Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump documents and tells the
story of an ancient hunting technique used by Plains People for thousands of
years. The Plains Buffalo Runners herded the buffalo through a system of drive
lanes then caused the buffalo to stampede over a cliff. A cliff of this nature
is known as a Pis’Kun. This Buffalo Jump produced more food in a single moment
than any other form of communal hunting anywhere in the world.
Head-Smashed-In was used as a Buffalo Jump for almost 6,000
years and is one of the oldest, largest, and best preserved buffalo jumps on
the northwestern plains. This site is older than the Pyramids of Egypt and
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump was designated a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 1981. The interpretive centre was built underground to blend
into the natural sandstone cliffs. The centre features 5 levels of exhibits, 80
seat movie theatre, 60 seat cafeteria, and gift shop featuring authentic First
Nations arts and crafts.
Located in south western Alberta, Canada, HSIBJ is 90
minutes south of Calgary just west of Highway # 2. The site is open year round.
Visit our web site for current information:
The site itself is situated on the traditional domain of the
Blackfoot speaking people, otherwise known as “Siksikaitsitapiiks”
Today Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is recognized as a
premier Aboriginal tourism destination in western Canada. This world class
interpretive centre is recognized by the Canadian Tourism Commission,
Destination Canada as a Signature Experience member.