Every Town Has a Story in Atlantic Canada

Fredericton, New Brunswick to Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador 61 places
Each of these places tell the story of the community they are in.
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Trade and Commerce in Atlantic Canada

to St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador 24 places
The story of items traded for money or other items is only the beginning.
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Eating, Drinking, Growing and Brewing in Atlantic Canada

St. Andrews, New Brunswick to Wolfville, Nova Scotia 25 places
Visit places across Atlantic Canada where food is at the centre of their story!
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Making, Building, Mining and Processing in Atlantic Canada

Trinity, Newfoundland and Labrador to Vernon Bridge, Prince Edward Island 19 places
Visit the source of everything from food and tools to fabric to minerals.
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Taste Test

Tofield, Alberta to Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario 8 places
Explore Canada’s history through different foods you can try!
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How it’s Made

Saint Lunaire-Griquet, Newfoundland and Labrador to Fort MacLeod, Alberta 9 places
Learn how the sausage gets made! And also the bread, soup, flatbread, butter, milk…
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Bread List!

Batoche, Saskatchewan to Montague, Prince Edward Island 7 places
For all your pandemic carb needs!
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