Discover. Connect. Get Inspired. Celebrate Saskatoon’s hidden forest the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area on its 50th anniversary
About this film event
Discover. Connect. Get Inspired.
The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas guest speaker will present an introductory talk, “Global Crusader and Changemaker” that brings us closer to our connection with Richard St. Barbe Baker and his roots in Saskatoon. What role do the stories told about the Saskatoon afforestation areas- these laboratories in ecological succession- have in shaping urban long range plans, and as nature based solutions to climate change?
Conservationist Richard St. Barbe Baker, the extraordinary visionary behind the International Tree Foundation, leads campaigns around the world including the reclamation projects for the world’s deserts and protection of virgin forests from destruction. Award Winning Christopher Chapman archival footage brings this historic figure to life. This Riley Deacon – directed documentary features Baker’s tree sense urging and encouraging every citizen to plant, protect and love their native trees. Baker’s message is inspirational. Hear from people locally and from around the world who knew Baker and attest to Baker’s success and motivational formula.
Presented in partnership with The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas as part of the International Tree Foundation’s centenary and the 50th anniversary of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
July 22 at the Remai Modern 7:00 pm A heritage film Legacy of Saskatoon’s Secret Forest about the Richard St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and its namesake on the centenary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded. Join us at the Public Screening.
Celebrate Saskatoon’s hidden forest, the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area on its 50th anniversary. Learn about the fascinating life story of the pioneering Global Conservationist it is named after as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded.
In 1971 Chancellor John G. Diefenbaker bestowed upon Baker the honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Saskatchewan. Baker was one of the first 100 students at the U of S, initiated former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker there, planted a tree at the U of S on World Environment Day, 1982, died here 4 days later and is buried at Saskatoon’s Woodlawn Cemetery. His archives are installed at the U of S.
Celebrating 100 years
International Tree Foundation (ITF)
The ITF which he founded in 1922 as the Men of the Trees is still active in 14 countries. Countless people motivated by him are environmental champions today.
Celebrating 50 years
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Discover 7 hectares [17 acres] of West Swale wetlands nestled within 132 hectares [326 acres] of woodlands planted 50 years ago now a diverse, semi-wild, area to roam and enjoy.
Local Learning
A companion curriculum describes his holistic world view, and his daring life of action on behalf of the earth.
Guided Tours
Free guided tours of the afforestation areas are available upon request, as scheduling permits.
The Mission
of the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas
We work to protect Saskatoon’s two heritage afforestation areas. The largest afforestation area (132 ha) was planted in 1972 and named after Baker by Saskatoon City Council in 1979. The nearby George Genereux Afforestation Area is 60 hectares.
The rich geological, historical, natural, and cultural heritage of the areas honours our past. As places for hands-on learning about conserving our environmental heritage they ensure our future.
Pamphlet for this event for download
Admission to the film free is with a Remai Modern general admission or museum membership.