Fostering a Vision for Canada presents the life of the Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker from his childhood through to the end of his tenure as the thirteenth Prime Minister of Canada. This exhibit illuminates the character and legacy of Mr. Diefenbaker, explains his achievements and challenges while in office from 1957-1963 and highlights his close connections with the University of Saskatchewan. It charts his dedication to human rights and equality throughout his career as a lawyer and his struggle to be elected into public office. Further, the exhibit features a number of notable artifacts, including personal belongings, campaign memorabilia, and gifts received throughout his political career.
The gallery also features two replica rooms that capture Canadian political life as it was during the latter 1950s and early 1960s. The Prime Minister’s Office depicts the East Block Office as it appeared during Diefenbaker’s tenure as Prime Minister. It features original and reproduction furniture, as well as personal items belonging to Diefenbaker. The Privy Council Chamber illustrates the cabinet meeting room, featuring replications of Confederation era furniture and original signed photographs of the first twelve Canadian Prime Ministers. The replica rooms were recently retrofitted with iPads, containing speech excerpts, room descriptions and a broad selection of historical photographs adding an interactive component for visitors.