Explore the natural and human history of Smithers and the surrounding Bulkley Valley at the Bulkley Valley Museum! Located in the historic Central Park Building (constructed 1925) the Museum features engaging and informative displays on local history and culture, including Driftwood Canyon fossils, and the Bulkley Valley’s gift to civilization” – the egg carton! Explore the streets of Smithers with our free historical walking tour – your guide to historic buildings and spaces of Smithers.
Bulkley Valley Museum
Smithers, British Columbia
- Type
- Museum/Gallery
- Address
- Smithers Art Gallery, 1425 Main Street, Smithers, BC, Canada
Get directions - Hours
- Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm (year round) Saturdays (May-August): 9am - 5pm
- Phone
- 250-847-5322
- Family-Friendly
- Parking
- Washrooms
- Wheelchair Access
Fun Facts
Did you know….the egg carton was invented by Smithers resident Joseph Coyle? Coyle was living down the road in Aldermere when he overheard an argument between a farmer and hotelier about a delivery of broken eggs. This inspired him to create the egg carton that we all know today.
Did you know….that an American B-36 crashed in the mountains near Hazelton, B.C., forever connecting the Bulkley Valley to Cold War history and the world’s first “broken arrow” incident?
Smithers Art Gallery, 1425 Main Street, Smithers, BC, Canada
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