Chinese-Calgarian Settler Experiences: Indoor Tour. Noon & 2 pm July 1, 2023

Calgary, Alberta 2 places
Learn about the challenges faced by early Chinese settlers, including the Exclusion Act
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《文化 & 親屬》Culture & Kin: Reclaiming the Chinese Narrative through Contemporary Art

Calgary, Alberta 2 places
Individual artists reclaim their own family histories through different art practices
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《文化 & 親屬》Culture & Kin: Exhibition Opening and Artist Panel. Season 4 of Unravelling Complex Stories

Calgary, Alberta 2 places
🎧…delves into the reality of our histories and the questions that emerge from it
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華埠 Calgary Chinatown Cultural Resource Map

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Discover Calgary Chinatown Cultural Resource Map
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華埠 Calgary Chinatown 2nd Avenue SE

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Discover Calgary Chinatown
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華埠 Calgary Chinatown Mural Routes

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Discover Calgary Chinatown Mural Routes
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去到邊度埞方、都有故事、都有野講 Travel from Story to Story

Calgary, Alberta to Duncan, British Columbia 3 places
策展華埠 Experience the Chinatowns and heritage sites; Beyond Dim Sum, Lion Dances &am
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華埠步行 Chinatown Walking Tour

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Experience Chinatown through a self-guided tour
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中秋節 Chinatown Lantern Festival 2022 賞月、看花燈、街頭表演!

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Join us for Chinatown Lantern Festival 2022! Lantern displays, booths and food trucks
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華埠嘉年華 Chinatown Street Festival 2022 游橋頭市集,特色攤位、街頭表演、美味食品、小朋友活動!

Calgary, Alberta 1 place
Join us for Chinatown Street Festival 2022! Cultural tents, kids fun zone and food trucks
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