La fin du mois de juillet était aussi la fin des Journées des lieux patrimoniaux 2021! De nouveaux records ont été établis cette année : il y a eu davantage de lieux historiques participants et davantage de visites virtuelles que jamais. La riche histoire du Canada est ainsi entrée dans les foyers grâce à Zoom et aux médias sociaux. Les #JournéesLieuxPatrimoniaux, […]
As the month of July comes to end, so does Historic Places Days 2021! This year was a record-breaking year with more historic sites registered and more virtual tours than ever, bringing Canada’s diverse history into your home via zoom and social media. #HistoricPlacesDays, made possible in part by the support of Parks Canada, brings awareness to Canada’s historic sites, garnering support, and recognition for places, […]
Joignez-vous aux membres du personnel de la Fiducie nationale du Canada et du conseil consultatif jeunesse des Journées des lieux patrimoniaux du Canada, et visitez (virtuellement) certains de leurs lieux préférés au Canada pendant les Journées des lieux patrimoniaux. Avez-vous un lieu historique préféré? Voulez-vous découvrir de nouveaux lieux? Cherchez-vous de l’inspiration? Voyez les égoportraits […]
Join The National Trust for Canada Staff and the Canada Historic Places Days Youth Advisory Board as they (virtually) visit some of their favourite places in Canada for Historic Places Days Do you have a favourite historic place? Want to travel somewhere new? Maybe you’re looking for inspiration! Check out our creative staff and Youth Advisory Board virtual selfies to boost your imagination and […]
The advocacy of passionate young Canadians is changing the way we look at Canada’s stories and narratives. Our Historic Places Days summer students, Julia and Lauren, share their reflections on why historic places matter and how we can all become advocates for sustainable and inclusive heritage. During Historic Places Days, we celebrate places across Canada that tell our stories. As young professionals and heritage lovers working for the National Trust for Canada, we realize that celebrating places is only part […]
I came to Newfoundland in the summer of 2018 from China, as an international student. While doing my PhD in folklore at Memorial University of Newfoundland, I am also a photographer, and I see my photography as living folklore. Before I came to Newfoundland, I was shooting photos just for fun with a basic camera. […]
Samedi le 3 juillet, le lancement des Journées des lieux patrimoniaux du Canada a eu lieu. Les Canadiens ont eu l’occasion d’assister à une journée remplie d’événements en ligne, notamment une visite de la Glenaladale School House à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, une randonnée du lac Tomlinson vers la liberté au Nouveau-Brunswick et une visite du Musée et du lieu historique national du Temple Gur Sikh à Abbotsford, en Colombie-Britannique – […]
Saturday, July 3rd, was the launch of Canada Historic Places Days! Canadians had the opportunity to tune in to a day full of online events, including a tour of the Glenaladale School House in PEI, a tour of the Tomlinson Lake Hike to Freedom in NB and a tour of the Gur Sikh Temple National Historic Site and Museum in Abbotsford, BC – and Historic Places […]