Elie Grain Elevator - Historic Places Days

Elie Grain Elevator

Elie, Manitoba
Elie, MB, Canada

A 149,000-bushel wooden grain elevator near Elie, alongside the CNR Gladstone Subdivision that heads to Rivers, MB. It was built between October 1985 & October 1986 by the Manitoba Pool Elevators, and opened officially on November 13,1986. Closed between 2001 and 2002, it was sold to a consortium of local farmers in 2004 and continues to be used for private grain storage.The first railway through Elie was the Northern Pacific and Manitoba, jointly built by the Manitoba government and the US Northern Pacific railway. It was leased to the Canadian Northern around the turn of the century.

The competitor to the Canadian Northern, the Grand Trunk Pacific, built a parallel line a half mile north and their station stop was known as North Elie.After both the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Northern experienced financial difficulties, they were acquired by the federal government and became part of the Canadian National Railways (CNR). Over time the northern route, the ex Grand Trunk Pacific line, was abandoned in stages and the Trans-Canada Highway was built over much of it.

The Canadian Northern line is now the two-track CN main line through Manitoba, known as the CN Rivers subdivision between Winnipeg and Melville, SK.


Elie, MB, Canada

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Elie Grain Elevator

Elie, Manitoba
A 149,000-bushel wooden grain elevator near Elie, alongside the CNR Gladstone Subdivision
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Oakville, Manitoba
Un élévateur à grains à Oakville, au Manitoba. Photo de Jeannette Greaves.
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