Stonewall Quarry Park - Historic Places Days

Stonewall Quarry Park

Stonewall, Manitoba
166 Main Street, Stonewall, MB, Canada
11 am - 5 pm
204 467-7980
The Town of Stonewall came into being as an industrial town – with a multinational workforce of men who toiled twelve hours a day, seven days a week in the limestone quarries.
For decades limestone was quarried and processed into quicklime. The quarries are closed now and the abandoned kilns stand at the north end of Main Street, as a silent reminder of the past and the men whose labour helped shape the community. The site includes an Interpretive Centre located in the Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre. 


  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée


166 Main Street, Stonewall, MB, Canada

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