The Brown Homestead - Historic Places Days

The Brown Homestead

St. Catharines, Ontario
Maison-musée / Propriété familiale
1317 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
By appointment only.
(905) 328-1646

The Brown Homestead was founded in 2015 to preserve and maintain significant heritage buildings and sites.

·      We believe that historic sites reach their full potential when they are vibrant community spaces that nurture a growing passion for learning. The Brown Homestead is a model of how historic sites can become creative educational leaders and community catalysts, helping to redefine educational paradigms for a changing world.

·      We are working to ensure that historic site management becomes an integral part of community planning and development.


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée

Faits amusants

  • The John Brown House is historically significant as the oldest house in the City of St. Catharines.
  • The original 1-and-a-half storey building was completed in 1796, while the grand, two-storey Georgian house, which incorporated the first structure, was constructed between 1802 – 1804.
  • The John Brown House is architecturally significant for its early Loyalist Georgian style, including notable characteristics such as its symmetrical five bay facade and wide centre hall plan.
  • The John Brown House is also the only existing example in Niagara of a house built entirely from Reynales Rockway Dolomite limestone.
  • The Brown Homestead is also home to the John Norton Cabin (c. 1817).
  • The Brown Homestead was used by the Canadian military during the First World War when it was owned by Lafontaine Baldwin Powers. While the troops conducted drills in the orchard (now part of Short Hills Provincial Park across Pelham Road), officers would gather in the upstairs master bedroom of the John Brown House to observe and direct the exercises, sometimes joined by Canada’s Minister of Militia and Defense, Sir Sam Hughes.


1317 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON, Canada

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