Swallow Tail Lighthouse - Historic Places Days

Swallow Tail Lighthouse

Grand Manan, New Brunswick
50 Lighthouse Road, Grand Manan, NB, Canada
9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily through September 12th.

Historic wooden lighthouse on Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy built in 1859 and first lit July 7, 1860, Swallow Tail is still an active aid to navigation (light and fog horn). The lighthouse was built in response to the tragic shipwreck of the Lord Ashburton in 1857.  The light station also includes the keepers dwelling, boathouse, boardwalk and boathouse from the former lighthouse on Ross Island.  The property is owned by the Village of Grand Manan and managed by Swallowtail Keepers Society.  The spectacular vista had incredible ocean views, interpretative outdoor and indoor displays, bench seating and picnic areas.  The lighthouse museum and separate gift shop are open in the summer.  A Keepers Program allows volunteers and others to stay at the keepers dwelling.


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Parcs
  • Stationnement


50 Lighthouse Road, Grand Manan, NB, Canada

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