St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church - Historic Places Days

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Mississauga, Ontario
Lieu de culte
24 Stavebank Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (c. 1827) 24 Stavebank Road The first service for the Port Credit Presbyterian congregation was held in James Craigie’s farmhouse in 1890. Until 1892, church services were held in the Wilcox Inn and Odd Fellows Hall. With the increase of Presbyterian families to the area, especially the Grays and McClellands, came the need for a church. James Hamilton donated land to build a small church at Elizabeth and High Streets. In 1927 this stone, neo-gothic style structure that overlooks the Credit River was constructed as a new home for Port Credit’s Presbyterian congregation. In 1956, the Christian Education wing was added.


  • Familles bienvenues


24 Stavebank Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada

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