Port Credit Lighthouse - Historic Places Days

Port Credit Lighthouse

Mississauga, Ontario
105 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, ON, Canada
(905) 278-7742

 Port Credit Light House (1991) . One of the most familiar sights near any harbour is a lighthouse, and Port Credit has had its share of them. The first was constructed in 1863 by Frederick Chase Capreol. The lighthouse, which was built out in the harbour, was taken over by the Ontario government in 1882. A 1908 flood separated the lighthouse from the mainland and in 1918 the lighthouse closed. The old lighthouse burned in 1936. The present lighthouse was constructed in 1991 and, while not an historic structure, is a reminder of Port Credit’s marine heritage. It is a Peel Region pumping station and the home of the Port Credit BIA. From its deck one can get a very good view of the Credit River and Port Credit harbour.


  • Animaux de compagnie bienvenus
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Lieu historique national
  • Stationnement


105 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, ON, Canada

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Port Credit Lighthouse
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Port Credit Memorial Arena
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