Daly House Museum - Historic Places Days

Daly House Museum

Brandon, Manitoba
Maison-musée / Propriété familiale
122 18th Street, Brandon, MB, Canada
Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The Daly House Museum is located in the original home of Brandon’s First Mayor, Thomas Mayne Daly. Originally built in 1882, this is the Wheat City’s Victorian Mansion with an objective to collect, preserve, and promote the history of this era and the history of the City of Brandon, Manitoba.


The Museum’s motto is “Preserving the Past for the Future”. The Museum also contains the Magnacca Research Center which is named in honour of former Brandon Mayor, the late Stephen Magnacca, who was a driving force behind the Daly House Museum’s creation. The Museum is chock-full of interesting and amazing things from the past to see. The 140-year-old building is also surrounded by 100-year-old elm trees and is complimented by an elegant Victorian-style garden built and maintained by dedicated volunteers. Come and take a step back into time at the Daly House Museum.


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Stationnement
  • Visite guidée


122 18th Street, Brandon, MB, Canada

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