The Unsolved Murder of Sir Harry Oakes: 80 Years Later - Historic Places Days

The Unsolved Murder of Sir Harry Oakes: 80 Years Later

Museum of Northern History at the Sir Harry Oakes Chateau
2 Chateau Drive, Kirkland Lake, ON, Canada
8 July, 2023 | All Day

It’s a whodunit for the ages!

Harry Oakes was a prospector down on his luck and seeking his fortune when he arrived in Kirkland Lake in 1911. In less than ten years he would become a multi-millionaire with the founding of the Toburn and Lake Shore Mines as they produced along the « Mile of Gold ».

With his wealth he left a legacy of philanthropic work in the communities he lived in, and he made many friends in his life – but along the way he also made enemies.

The Unsolved Murder of Sir Harry Oakes: 80 Years Later is a video presentation celebrating the many achievements of a driven man, and his mysterious and unsolved murder at his home in the Bahamas on July 8, 1943.

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