Sam Waller Museum - Historic Places Days

Sam Waller Museum

The Pas, Manitoba
Musée / Galerie
306 Fischer Avenue, The Pas, MB, Canada
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

A tour of our museum includes both the rich and fascinating story of the historic Town of The Pas and region, and the strange and eclectic collection of Mr. Sam Waller. And a visit to the Sam Waller Museum wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the old town gaol! The Community Building and Court House’s multifaceted history can still be found today in a variety of existing architectural details, including the original exterior, and interior doorways and trim, and the court house defendant’s box and jail cells.


  • Accès fauteuils roulants
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée


306 Fischer Avenue, The Pas, MB, Canada

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