McCrae House - Historic Places Days

McCrae House

Guelph, Ontario
Maison-musée / Propriété familiale
108 Water Street, Guelph, ON, Canada
currently closed due to COVID-19

McCrae House (designated 1966) is the birthplace of Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae (1872-1918), the First World War doctor, soldier and poet who penned “In Flanders Fields” (1915).


  • Accès fauteuils roulants
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Lieu historique national
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée

Faits amusants


McCrae House is renovated.


The operation of the museum was transferred to the City of Guelph, and along with the Guelph Civic Museum was merged under the name Guelph Museums.


The federal government through the Historic Sites and Monuments Board designated John McCrae a person of national significance, and designated  the house a place of national significance.


A group of Guelph citizens purchased the building with the intention of preserving it as a museum. This group formed the Lt. Col. John McCrae Birthplace Society and began raising money for its restoration.

1870 to 1873

The house was owned by the McCrae family


The small limestone cottage was built


108 Water Street, Guelph, ON, Canada

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McCrae House

Guelph, Ontario
McCrae House, discover the birthplace of John McCrae (1872-1918).
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McCrae House National Historic Site

Guelph, Ontario
McCrae House National Historic Site, located at 108 Water Street, is the birthplace of Lt….
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McCrae House National Historic Site

Guelph, Ontario
McCrae House is the birthplace of Lt. Col. John McCrae (1872-1918).
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Guelph Civic Museum

Guelph, Ontario
The Guelph Civic Museum, your stories live here!
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