L'Ange de la Victoire - (The Angel of Victory) | Windsor Station, Montreal - Historic Places Days

L’Ange de la Victoire – (The Angel of Victory) | Windsor Station, Montreal

Montréal, Québec
Monument / repère
1160 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada
Monday - Friday 6:30-21:00 Saturday - Sunday 8:30 - 21:00
(514) 395-5145

The Angel of Victory – (L’Ange de la Victoire) |  Windsor Station, Montreal

Statue crafted by London-born sculptor Coeur de Lion McCarthy (1881–1979), installed in Montreal’s Windsor Station, in Quebec, Canada.

The Statue is found in the entrance lobby ( The Salle des pas perdus ) of Windsor Station.   The lobby is now leased for public events here in Montreal.

Commissioned in 1922 in memory of the 1,116 Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) employees who died in World War I.

Copies of the statue were also installed at CPR stations in Vancouver and Winnipeg, Canada.

The Winnipeg copy has since been moved from the station, and is now located outside the Deer Lodge Hospital.

The bronze, seven foot tall statue shows a fallen soldier being carried up to heaven by a female angel. It is on a pedestal inscribed:

After World War II, the years 1939–1945 were added to the inscription.


Inscription :

‘To Commemorate Those in the Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company Who at the Call of King and Country, Left All That Was Dear to Them, Endured Hardship, Faced Danger and Finally Passed Out of Sight of Men by the Path of Duty and Self Sacrifice, Giving Up Their Own Lives That Others May Live in Freedom. Let Those Who Come After See to It That Their Names Are Not Forgotten. / 1914–1918’


•National Historic Site of Canada

Windsor Station (Canadian Pacific)



•Heritage Railway Station (Canada)

Designated 1990


•Patrimoine culturel du Québec

Historic monument

Designated 2009


Angle of Victory – ( L’Ange de la Victoire)

Crafted by London-born sculptor Coeur de Lion McCarthy (1881–1979). It was commissioned in 1922 in memory of the 1,116 Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) employees who died in World War I.








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#gazettemtl  #MontrealGazette







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  • Lieu historique national
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1160 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada

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Montréal, Québec
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Montréal, Québec
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Montréal, Québec
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