Workshop: Fun with Fermentation (Cucumber Pickling) - Historic Places Days

Workshop: Fun with Fermentation (Cucumber Pickling)

The Brown Homestead
Expérience culinaire
1317 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
13 July, 2024 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Learn all you need to know to make your own probiotic-rich fermented cucumber pickles. Marcia will walk you through the steps to make your own crunchy sour pickled cucumbers, from selecting the best produce, to washing and preparing, packing the jars and making the brine. The fermenting process and best methods and time frames will be discussed in detail. All of this will be summed up in a written guide for the participants to take home.

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  • Aliments et boissons
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Aliments et boissons
  • Lieu historique national
  • Lieu historique national
  • Stationnement
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes
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