Walk for Reconciliation June 21, 2023 - Historic Places Days

Walk for Reconciliation June 21, 2023

Canton Block
200 Centre Street, Southeast Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
21 June, 2023 | 8:00 am to 10:30 am

The 14th annual Walk for Reconciliation will be held on June 21, on National Indigenous Peoples Day.

This is a free event that all are welcome to attend for an opportunity to reflect on the difficult history and atrocities of residential schools in Canada, the legacies of survivors, and steps we can take in the healing process as we move towards a stronger future together.

Register and find more info here: www.fortcalgary.com/events/wfr-2023

The walk will commence at 8am at the Harry Hays Building (220 4 Ave SE) in Chinatown, and will end at Fort Calgary (950 9th Ave SE).

S'inscrire à l’activité


  • Aliments et boissons
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Toilettes

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