The Medicine Walk - Historic Places Days

The Medicine Walk

Fort Point Museum
100 Fort Point Road, LaHave, NS, Canada
12 August, 2023 | 10am

« Learn how to identify medicines around us, how to create a reciprocal relationship with those medicines, and why it is important to harvest through Mi’kmaw guiding principles and teachings such as Netukulimk »

By Shawn Feener

Shawn is a Mi’kmaw conservationist, freshwater ecologist, and educator. He has worked with endangered species such as Atlantic Whitefish and Atlantic Salmon and invasive species such as Chain Pickerel and Smallmouth Bass. He has since changed roles as an educator, coordinating Mi’kmaw Education and Services for the South Shore Regional Centre for Education where he coordinates the authentic inclusion of Mi’kmaw culture in the public school system. Through his work, his cultural connections to Mi’kma’ki, and his experiences as a harvester of medicines, he has created a relationship to mother earth and the medicines around him that he will share during this medicine walk.

August 12, 10am

100 Fort Point Road LaHave

Donations Accepted

RSVP Required, Limited Availability (902) 688-1632


  • Lieu historique national
  • Toilettes

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