Tanabata Festival - Historic Places Days

Tanabata Festival

Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden
Arts de la scène
9th Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
6 July, 2019 | 10AM - 7PM

Tanabata meaning “Seven Evenings” is a Japanese festival, derived from Obon traditions and the Chinese Star festival, Qi Xi. Tanabata celebrates the meeting of Princess Orihime (Vega) and Prince Hikoboshi (Altair). The Milky Way, a river made from stars separates these two lovers and they are allowed to meet only once a year.

In present-day Japan, people generally celebrate this day by writing wishes, sometimes in the form of poetry, on tanzaku, small pieces of paper, and hanging them on bamboo. During Tanabata at Nikka Yuko, guests are invited to have their wishes written in calligraphy, by one of our volunteers, on paper that will be tied to our Mugo Pine. Everything is included with admission. 

Saturday Schedule:

  • 1-4PM: Nodate (outdoor tea) in the Prairie Grass area
  • 1-3PM: Tanabata/Calligraphy
  • 3:30-4PM: Minyo Dancing

Sunday Schedule:

  • 1-4PM: Nodate (outdoor tea) in the Prairie Grass area
  • 1-3PM: Tanabata/Calligraphy
  • 3-4PM: Tanabata stories with Tad Mitsui


  • Accès fauteuils roulants
  • Aliments et boissons
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Parcs
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes

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