Saturday Crafternoons - Paper Folding - Historic Places Days

Saturday Crafternoons – Paper Folding

Privé : Frontenac County Schools Museum
414 Regent Street, Kingston, ON, Canada
16 July, 2022 | 1:00pm-3:00pm

Arts and crafts are a great and engaging way to teach kids about history! This is why we will be holding weekly Saturday Crafternoons at Frontenac County Schools Museum. Saturday July 16th’s craft will be paper folding, and we’ll be teaching kids to make miniature barns, fruit trays, tables and chairs based on historic paper folding techniques from the 1910s. They can personalize these creations my decorating them with crayons and pencil crayons to their liking. This activity is most suitable for children 8+ however younger kids should be find with extra guidance. Drop by any time between 1 and 3 for some historically accurate fun!


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée

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