Red Light Tour - Historic Places Days

Red Light Tour

Museum of Jewish Montreal
5220 Saint Laurent Boulevard, Montreal, QC, Canada
24 May, 2023 | 19:00-21:00

As a major transportation hub and port city, many sectors of Montreal’s economy were once intertwined with the sex trade, even as police and politicians manipulated social responses to the presence of a thriving Red Light District. From Maimie Pinzer to Harry Ship and through to the present day, this tour explores the social, economic, labour, cultural, racial, and gender history of Montreal through its former Red Light, which for decades thrived in the heart of Montreal’s burgeoning Jewish community.

This tour covers 150 years and 10 city blocks over 1.5-2 hours. The tour begins on the southeast corner of Boulevard René Lévesque and Boulevard St. Laurent and ends near St. Laurent metro station. Please note that while the tour will be led in English, questions can be asked and answered in French.

Tickets are $17 general admission and $12 for students, plus taxes. Please note that event capacity is limited. Purchase yours early to avoid disappointment.

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