Pioneer Heritage Day - Historic Places Days

Pioneer Heritage Day

Historical Museum of St. James-Assiniboia
3180 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
26 June - 31 July, 2021 | Live on June 26, 2021 starting at 11am CST (watch recorded event anytime afterward)
Each year Pioneer Heritage Day celebrates our local history and culture with performances and activities inside our three heritage buildings: 1856 Red River Frame House, 1911 Municipal Hall, and 1890s Interpretive Centre.
Performances this year include a heritage fiddler, classical guitarist, Franco-Manitoban Jiggers, and First Nation Hoop Dancers and Drum Demonstration.
This year Pioneer Heritage Day also celebrates 100 years of the Municipality of St. James. The museum’s 1911 Municipal Hall Government building hosted the first inaugural meeting of the St. James Municipality in January of 1921. The museum has this building as a testament to preserving the development of St. James.
Watch the live event and find all the details here:


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Lieu historique national

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