Keji Triathlon 2023: Atlantic Multisport Championships - Historic Places Days

Keji Triathlon 2023: Atlantic Multisport Championships

Parc national et lieu historique national Kejimkujik
3005 Main Parkway, pont Maitland, N-É, Canada
9 - 10 September, 2023 | All Day

Make 2023 your year to get in on the fun, with the added bonus of a spectacular venue. Capture the magic of endurance sport within lush forests, meandering waterways, and a rich cultural landscape.

Athletes of all abilities are encouraged to embrace the challenge with a sense of adventure and fun.

This year’s edition will feature:

  • Off Road/Gravel Sprint Triathlon
  • Draft Legal Sprint Triathlon
  • Standard Distance Triathlon/Aquabike
  • Sprint Distance Triathlon/Duathlon
  • Super Sprint Distance Triathlon

Whether you choose to participate or to cheer on the racers, there will be something for everyone!

Location: Merrymakedge Beach

S'inscrire à l’activité


  • Animaux de compagnie bienvenus
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Lieu historique national
  • Parcs
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes

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