AWA Fall Book Sale - Historic Places Days

AWA Fall Book Sale

Hillhurst Cottage School
455 12 Street Northwest, Calgary, AB, Canada
7 September, 2024 | 1000-1500

Do you have books piling up at your place that you’d like to see go to another home? Looking to make a difference with your old things?

AWA is inviting folks to drop off their old books to our office this summer. We’ll then sell them during our book sale event in September as a fundraiser. All proceeds will go back to AWA, so that we can continue our environmental conservation and advocacy work!

How it works: Drop off your old books to our Kensington office in Calgary BEFORE Sept. 6. Then, swing by on Sept. 7 to browse and buy the other book we have on sale. You’ll also have the opportunity to check out our historic office space, which was once known as the Hillhurst Cottage School, built in 1910. The building is the earliest extant purpose-built school in Hillhurst Sunnyside. This two-story former school was the first of its design to be built in the city, and it’s one of only two remaining cottage schools of the approximately seventeen that were built in the city

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  • Visite guidée
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes

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