Art Exhibition - “Embrace” by Master Chen - Historic Places Days

Art Exhibition – “Embrace” by Master Chen

Museum of Northern History at the Sir Harry Oakes Chateau
2 Chateau Drive, Kirkland Lake, ON, Canada
6 July - 5 August, 2023 | Regular Open Hours: 10am - 5pm Weekdays, 12pm - 4pm Saturdays

The Contemporary Art Committee of Kirkland Lake is pleased to present this year’s guest artist Master Chen Cheng-Hsun, a world-renowned ceramic artist from Taiwan.

Master Chen’s work is showcased in museums, public and private collections around the world. Several of the pieces on display were created during his recent stay in Kirkland Lake and incorporate physical aspects of the areas rugged beauty.

He is a graduate of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan Academy of Arts and the Modern Ceramics National (Monographic Study), Madrid, Spain.

This exhibit is included in the general admission to the Museum of Northern History (children 5 and under are free).



  • Accès fauteuils roulants
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes

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