A Haunted Graveyard Walk - Historic Places Days

A Haunted Graveyard Walk

Wilson’s Point Historic Site
8 Enclosure Road, Derby Junction, NB, Canada
29 July, 2023 | 8pm

Join John Willson the tavern owner and John Wilson the Ferryman as they lead you through the centuries old historic Graveyard as dusk descends and the gates lock. Their tales of revolutionary soldiers, mothers in mourning, a grieving young bride, starving Acadian refugees among others will leave you with chills. Be sure to bring your flashlight and someone to hold your hand. Stick close to your guides, there’s no guarantee you’ll return in the same condition you entered. Tickets can be purchased prior to the tour in the little church replica. $10.00/person under 6 free, Family Friendly event. This is a partnered event with Character Matters Miramichi, a theatrical troupe that brings history to alive.


  • Accès fauteuils roulants
  • Familles bienvenues
  • Parcs
  • Stationnement
  • Toilettes
  • Visite guidée

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