Dinner and a Movie: White Christmas - Historic Places Days

Dinner and a Movie: White Christmas

Heritage Park Historical Village
Expérience culinaire
1900 Heritage Dr, Southwest Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada T2V 1R1
19 December, 2023 | 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

We’ve been dreaming of a white Christmas!

Swing by the Selkirk and help us celebrate the holiday season with Dinner and a Movie on Dec. 19, featuring the 1954 holiday classic, White Christmas! Grab a date and enjoy a delicious gourmet meal inspired by this iconic film and then settle in with some popcorn to watch the movie!


Reservations begin at 5:30 pm, film starts at 7:15 pm.

Call 403.268.8607 to make your reservation or visit OpenTable


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