Bas-Reliefs from London's Richmond Building: Victoria, Moliere & more - Historic Places Days

Bas-Reliefs from London’s Richmond Building: Victoria, Moliere & more

Guild Park & Gardens
201 Guildwood Pkwy. Toronto
24 July, 2021 | Available on-line 24/7

In this 7-minute virtual tour, learn about the bas-reliefs carvings newly displayed at Toronto’s Guild Park. All were saved from London Ontario’s notable Richmond Building, originally the Grand Opera House/Masonic Hall when it opened in 1881.

Check out the hand-made stone portraits of such notable figures from the past including Britain’s Queen Victoria, artist Rubens, playwright Moliere, American inventor/stateman, Ben Franklin.

The tour is hosted by John Mason, President of the award-winning volunteer group, Friends of Guild Park.

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